Sunday, April 25, 2010

Which kind of Warrior are you?

It's hard as an athlete in any sport to fit in one box, you may think that your the best you can be, a coach tells you differently a poor result in a competition may confirm the coaches analysis and opinion.

It's not about the result or category we fit, it's how we deal with the criticism, the defeat, the poor result in the days, weeks, months after the event. Some athletes learn from it,some dont and never recover.

Look at GSP after his defeat to Matt Serra to this day it still plays on his mind and he learnt from that fight, never doubt or underestimate your opponents will or capabilities and since has been undefeated.

To discover what type of athlete you are, read the four categoris below adapted from the HAGAKURE written by Tsunetomo Yamamoto one of the greatest Samurai's to ever live.

Type 1- Alert-Alert- Those that are quick on the uptake when told to do something. These warriors are few in number.

Type 2- Dull-Alert- Those who do not clearly understand at first and take their time to put anything learned into practice, once they do they execute it splendidly.

Type 3- Alert-Dull- Those when told to do something act with the greatest intentions, but take a long time to execute and learn.

Type 4 - Dull-Dull- These warriors are in the majority!

So it's simple you need to be type 1 or type 2 to ensure that you and your coach get the best from your training, and competitions.

If your not best you get there now!

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